Saturday, March 8, 2008

Then Sings My Soul Saturdays... The Inaugural Edition

Copy this code to add this button to your site.

*****Update:  If you are visiting for the first time, please link your TSMS post to the current edition of TSMS, so everyone can see your post. You can find the current edition every Saturday here.****

Welcome to the very first edition of "Then Sings My Soul Saturdays."

I think you are going to love this! The instructions are easy. Just write a post on your blog about a song. It can be a song that has spoken to your heart during a difficult time... a song that brings back a special memory... a song that makes you want to sing along to the top of your lungs... a song that makes you glad... a song that makes you want to dance... a song that has inspired you... a song that makes you feel like the words were written just for you... a song that makes your soul sing. 

You can include the lyrics or maybe include the You Tube video. After you write the post, come back here and link your post to Mr. Linky at the bottom of the page. Then you can come back and read about all the other songs and stories that are posted.

I'm sure many of you love to worship through music and feel like God speaks to you through the words of songs just like I do. I can't wait to hear all of your stories about it :)

I would like to tell you today about a song I love - "I Will Praise You in This Storm" by Casting Crowns. Storms are a theme I use often to tell people about some of the events that have transpired in my life. 

When I was a little girl, I was afraid of storms. I would always get really nervous and upset and worried whenever one was looming on the horizon. When I began to hear the thunder and see lightning through the window, I would sometimes cry or hide somewhere. I remember my grandmother always comforted me. She would scoop me up into her lap and rock me. She would say, "Be still. Be quiet. It's OK,  it's just God doing His work."

When the storm was over, I loved to go outside and smell the fresh air. The rain would have washed everything clean. My cousins and I would begin to look for a rainbow... and when we found one, we set off on our quest to find the pot of gold at the end of it. My grandmother would always say to us..."The storm had to happen for the rainbow to come."

I didn't totally understand that statement as a child... but do I ever as an adult.
God sometimes brings storms to wash us clean... or to bring us to something more valuable than gold on the other side of the storm. He is just "doing His work." He is always faithful. He knows what He is doing. He has the perfect plan for our lives and even when we feel like we are facing a Level 5 Hurricane, He is still in control. And we should praise Him. Praise Him even in the midst of our storm. He is still a great, powerful, wonderful, loving God, no matter what our circumstances.

Instead of being afraid of storms now, I am a "storm chaser"... you know like one of those crazy people in the movie "Twister" who waits for a storm to learn all they can from it. I want to learn everything God has to teach me through whatever storms in life I have to face, and I want to remember to praise Him in the middle of it.


Kimberly said...

What a terrific idea! I don't know if I will be able to get my up this weekend or not, but I will do my best!
I love this song, too! So powerful and so true!
Great idea, Amy!

ocean mommy said...

LOVE THIS!!!! I'll add the button tonight and join in next week!

So cool...

God's girl said...

That is such a beautiful post! I also love that song. It has been a sort of theme in my life too!

I would love to spread the word about it too! Thanks for including me. I think this is a neat meme and look forward to it. Music ministers to me in such an amazing way.

Melissa in Mel's World said...

Amy, I absolutely LOVE it!!! Great idea! I am a music maniac...I wish I could sing professionally, but my husband says it is really only something that God could love...oh well, how's that for honest! ;)

Can't wait to wacth it grow!


Ceci G. said... figures someone would come up with a bright idea like this before me! But since it's all for God's glory, I'm good with it. I added my link to my post "She Don't Know She's Beautiful" at Angela's urging.

And since I love this idea soooooooo much...I'm going to add your link/graphic to my blog too! God Bless!

MaryLu said...

What a lovely idea! I'm going to join this one, but next week.
I'll grab the button and start soon.

Audra Marie said...

This is a fun meme. I love music. Which blog to put it on - hmmmm. :)

I've bookmarked it. :)

Cheri said...

I totally love this song! It is one of my favorites.

What a fabulous idea this is..I'm joining in on the fun!

Christina said...

I just found out about this from over at Angela's blog and I had to participate. I posted "Praise Him in this storm" on my blog a few weeks ago for my mom who is in the hospital. I love Casting Crowns. I can't wait to check out what all the other ladies are posting.

Cheri said...

Okay Amy, I'm back again to say what a great idea this is. I love that I can come back to your site throughout the weekend and check out all these songs and the other websites. What a great way to lift spirits during the will see me coming by alot to check out everyones song.FABULOUS IDEA!

Wifeof1Momof4 said...

Yes, I will help you spread the word! I try not to blog on the weekends, but I will make a post on Friday and autodate.

I luv music!

Ashok Kizhepat said...

Cool! See this... Casting Crowns video

Michelle said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you liked the song. Sometimes I just find myself listening to it over and over. I love music and seeing what others are sharing. This is a great idea. I plan to participate again. On Saturdays, I post a column on tips for keeping kids safe online and offline. Check it out the next time you drop by.

elizabeth embracing life said...

What a super idea. I am going to check in to see and sing. I love how one line of a song gets me going.

Mississippi Songbird said...

This is great. Thanks for the idea. I'd love to join in.. Have a wonderful week. I'll start working on my Saturday post right away!
God Bless You.

Mississippi Songbird said...

This is great. Thanks for the idea. I'd love to join in.. Have a wonderful week. I'll start working on my Saturday post right away!
God Bless You.

Jenifer said...

Oh, I just LOVE music! I can't wait to join in on this next week.

Many blessings,

Andrea @ Mommy said...

Ooh! I love this idea!! And, Third Day's song has a personal story for me too!...but I'll snack on that on another Saturday!

Anonymous said...

sorry I missed it this past Sunday...we were taking care of my sick lil boy...I've added your cute button to my side bar!!! This will be a fun MeMe!!! Thank you for doing this :0)

Anonymous said...

I think this is a GREAT idea, I cannot wait to participate! I just started a new Meme as well called My Walk Monday, come and see...

bp said...

What a fun idea! I have been doing songs on my blog with a new theme each Friday. I'm going to mark your site!

Bunny McCoy said...

Music is what we live, eat and breath and I would be delighted to join you on Saturdays in sharing songs that have ministered to me. Both my dh and son are worship leaders and my daughter is a classical musician for the Glory of the Lord.


Krista said...

This is an awesome idea! I've blogged about songs before. I agree with you that sometimes the words to a song will minister to your heart. I'll join you this next Saturday, March 29.

Mocha with Linda said...

I love this!!! And the button is darling. Count me in.

Life's an adventure said...

I realized I have done this twice and never filled out this. I love this. God speaks to me so much through music. This is awesome!

Natalie said...

I love this idea! I've posted one today however I'm not sure how to add my site to the Linky. New at here's my info.

Trish said...

What a great idea, Amy!

Mishka said...

thanks Amy.. i found your blog thru connie's blog... hope we can be friends

Sita said...

Hi, I've been finding the songs that God used to impact me eternally in the past. The one today is so simple and speaks about passing on His love. "Pass It On" by Evie.

Sara said...

I love that song, A few months ago I had it on repeat on itunes. Sometimes we just need the reminder that today, as huge and as hard as it may be for us, is just a blink in compareson to our lives in heaven. Thank you for this idea.

Angela said...

crying. thanks a lot!

Leaon Mary said...

Hi Amy,
I am so happy to be a part of Then Sings My Soul Saturday. ~ I LOVE the song that you chose and it is one of my very favorites. I listen to it all the time. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Praising God through song to me; is the best way to enter into worship.

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Thanks for starting this. It is great how God can touch us with a song, lift our spirit so we can keep on going. I will enjoy participating in this.

Angela said...

I love this idea!!


Natalie said...

Plan to get one up for this upcoming Saturday!

Sybil Reisch said...

Hi Amy, Our family has been blessed by music for many years! Visit my blog ( for an excerpt to see how our son with Down syndrome took every opportunity to seek out music, and a story about how God encourages us to NOT quit, but KEEP PLAYING! (Jeff knew every instrument and it's sound, and played his own inner drum music at concerts. If you like what you see, would you consider adding my blot to yours?!? God's best blessings always, Sybil

GranthamLynn said...

Hi Amy. What an awesome idea. I just wrote my post and added my song. It took me awhile to find it but I got it in before midnight so technically I think it is in on Saturday.
God speaks to me so much through music and this gives us an opportunity to share that.
Thanks so much. I will look forward each week to Saturdays.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

this is such a fun thing to do. I have so many songs that I love. And, I will get to know so many other great songs too.

Skoots1moM said...

added my song
We Fall Down
Thanks for the idea...
great blog

Gone said...

What a GREAT idea!! I love it!!!


life is a blessing said...

That is an awesome idea! I am jumping on the bandwagon next Saturday!

Unknown said...

I love this! Mine is up!

sylvia said...

I love it, love it and love it thanks a lot of the code. Please check out my blog.
I'am just getting starting so it's not as great as yours, but its an
inspirational site continue to be blessed.

Sue said...

I'm going to try this for next Saturday, I just found it on HipChick's blog.


Vanessa said...

I woke up this morning, while doing my devotions Caleb was next to me and we both start singing the song and praising God together. What a blessing is to praise your God, your Savior, King of kings, Lord of lords everyday and fill up your cup with His anoiting oil!!!

Candy said...

Thank you!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

I look forward to starting this on Saturday! :)

lynettebm said...

This is great! Looking forward to all of it!

Jemi said...

Thanks for visiting me. I just posted mine. Check it out everyone !

Cathy said...

As I sit here waiting for hurricane Ike to arrive, seeing this is my reminder to Praise Him through this storm. Thank you for the reminder.

Stacey N said...

Love It!

Blessings to you and your family, as well as all your blog sisters (and brothers)! ;)


Alexandra Mikaela - Awareness Warrior said...

I've been wanting to make a blog like this for years, but had to wait until I was 13...yay, now I don't have to make my own, I can just use yours! =D ~Alex proud Awareness Warrior

Anonymous said...

Love this meme! Thanks so much!

Beth in NC said...

This is my first time posting Then Sings My Soul Saturdays! This is so much fun! Thanks for doing this! God bless you!


Beth in NC said...

Thanks for doing this each week!


Tealady said...

Just found your blog. What a great idea! I have a new blog that is all about hymns and life titled Showers of Blessings.

All the best,

Kelly said...

I absolutely love that song! When my brother was going through a divorce (not his chosing) I bought him this CD.

God is so good in the storms of our life!

Andi said...

Hi Amy,
You just won a blog award. Come and check it out!

LA Nickers said...

Hi there, Amy.

I often post songs (and frequently YouTube videos) with daily blog prompts at Meme Express.

Your readers are welcome to visit often and leave relevant links with comments.

Blessings all around,

MEME EXPRESS – daily blog prompts

Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

so wonderful, it's my first to visit this blog and I love it.
I will try to join tonight.
here's my link: and

monica said...

This is a great meme. I will have to play along right now. Love your chosen song and the reason behind it.

MsRay said...

I am glad I discovered this meme. I am excited to share my first post next Saturday.

*starlee* said...

Jeez, this meme is on Mondays for me.. It just shows how music can inspire us all in so many different ways (and days!)..^^

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

I just found your blog tonight. I love the then sings my soul saturdays idea. I'll try to participate next week.

The song you picked, I Will Praise Him In The Storm, is a favorite of mine also. Actually I posted about it a few days ago on my blog and added a video. It is a differnt YouTube video from the one you have here on your post. I hope you will check it out because I think you will really like it.

It is nice to meet you,

Momrempel said...

Love this idea and will be joining for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! I have lots of songs of praise I just love and would love to participate! Thank you so much for doing this! I look forward to participating for the very first time next Saturday. Thanks again!!


Carmen said...

"The storm had to happen in order for the rainbow to come." What incredibly wise words! I want to remember that for my grandchildren! I'll have to link up to you one of these days. What a terrific idea! We're all moved by music in some way or another. Hopped on over from Chatty Kelly's Blog. Blessings!

Camie said...

Oooh I love this!

Unknown said...

Cant wait to do this. I love sharing good music especially if it helps me get through the what is going on that day!!!

Serving with Joy,

Unknown said...

I love this idea. I missed Sat because I was out of town but posted just now. I love hearing what the songs to do for people. This is great.

Hugs be blessed
Serving with Joy

Anonymous said...

This is great. I had actually considered starting something like this about a week ago because I had not found any memes including music. I envisioned it just like you have it set up--sharing lyrics or a music video clip or a memory. Since you got the ball rolling, I'll just join in. ;) Took your button and also added myself to your google follow.

I look forward to visiting. Have a lovely day.

photographe mariage paris said...

Great information thanks for sharing this with us.In fact in all posts of this blog their is something to learn . your work is very good and i appreciate your work and hopping for some more informative posts . Again thanks
Photos Mariage Paris

Carmen said...

No one can accuse me of being punctual! I finally got around to participating in this meme. I love this idea! What a wonderful way to familiarize ourselves with some of the great music out there and the messages they convey!

Mitz said...

GREAT IDEA!! Thanks so much! I love "Praise you in the Storm" too... so powerful and so true! PRAISE THE LORD! <3

"God isn't at work producing the circumstances you want. God is at work in bad circumstances producing the YOU He wants." ~John Ortberg, 'The Me I Want to Be'

Anonymous said...

hi..linked myself again. i believe i had already. last time when i checked the meme. but's nice to be here..=)

Christian Magoncia said...

Hi...very brilliant idea..that's what you call heavenly wisdom. =)

I love that song too...Praise you in the storm by Casting crowns. Hope you could visit mine and see my entry.

God bless.

Teacher Engineer said...

one of my favorite song;)

Junneth said...

What a wonderful site this would be.... Let us make music to God with a joyful sound"

Junneth said...

Thant's a wonderful song indeed!

My Mad World said...

Love this song!! I totally agree with what you said about the storms washing us clean!
Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

that's a wonderful song!

Unknown said...

So happy to have found you. My child has epilepsy. Cant wait to follow you.


SnoopyGirl said...

I added your button to my blog and I will be participating each Saturday. Such a great idea!

Unknown said...

I was so excited to find this linky this morning!! I had actually just posted a song/video on my blog last night that was so heavily on my heart....such an awesome idea, I can't wait to browse through them!

Thanks for hosting!!


Jan Messali said...

I love this idea! I found it late this week, but I'll post next Saturday. Thanks!
Jan at Jewelry4Change said...

This is such a great idea! I know I kinda got here late but I will definitely be back next Saturday too! Great song and great story Amy. :)

Shanda said...

Praise Him in the Storm is one of my favorite songs and I still tear up to this day when I hear it!

maricon dumaguing said...

i like this meme....Maricon here, just droppin' by...God bless you all

Wendy @ E-1-A said...

Fab post!