Saturday, August 30, 2008
Then Sings My Soul Saturday - Stephen Curtis Chapman

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Some of my favorite and not so favorite things

Janet, Carol, Lysa, Me, Kimberly
Lysa was awesome as usual. She always inspires and challenges. Her challenge is to say "yes" to God. I walked away refreshed and renewed. It seems though, that every time I commit to move forward in faith in some of the areas God is calling me to, I'm immediately pulled into a battle. The enemy knows my weak points and that is where he always hits first. And he hits hard.
Which brings me to Tuesday. Tuesday I got to do one of my not so favorite things... call EMS. Spencer had another status seizure. We happened to be out to dinner and running a few errands when it started. Lucia was with us and in hindsight, I feel she tried to alert us to the seizure before it happened. She was very agitated and unsettled at the restaurant. She was pacing and sniffing around Spencer. I really just thought she had to go out, or she was sniffing at food on the floor or something. That is not normal behavior for her in a restaurant though, so I should have realized something was up. She usually just lays under the table completely still and calm the entire time we eat. I guess I just have to get used to what her signals will be to alert us to a seizure.Anyway, we ran to the store next to the restaurant to pick up some things, and as we were walking down the aisle, Spencer said, "Mom, I think I'm having a ..." He never finished his sentence because it hit him so hard. He could walk but not talk. It was pouring down rain, but rather than have him lie down on the floor in the store, I decided to try to make it to my car. I started a timer and headed out the door holding onto Spencer with Mary Lyndsey and Lucia in tow. We were getting drenched and about half way to the car, Spencer lost control of his legs and I had to catch him and carry him (all 65 pounds of him) to the car.
I finally got the doors of the van open (thank goodness for automatic doors) and everyone loaded into the van. I put him down in the backseat and checked the timer. Almost 8 minutes. I administered his rescue medicine and started the timer again. The seizure was not backing off. In fact, it was getting worse. So after about 8 more minutes, I called 911. It finally wore off as they were arriving in the parking lot.
They checked his vitals and he seemed fine. Only he couldn't speak for over an hour after the seizure. It was concentrated in his face and mouth and he was very postictal. He bit his tongue and cheek up pretty bad. We decided not to transport to the hospital and came home for him to sleep off the medicine. I knew if he seized again last night, we would end up in the hospital, because I can't administer more than one rescue med in a 24 hour period. Thank goodness he slept peacefully through the night.
Today he has been tired, but no more seizures. He is such a trooper. We hadn't finished homework yesterday before we left to go eat dinner, and obviously we didn't do it last night when we returned home. This morning before school, he insisted on finishing it before we left for school. I'm sure most kids would definitely use a seizure as an excuse to get out of homework. I'm so thankful he doesn't let his epilepsy stop him from doing things he wants to do or that he doesn't try to use it as a crutch. I hope it always remains so.
It's not lost on me that last week, I was drawn to 2 Corinthians 12:9. Our pastor even preached on this very verse on Sunday.
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
This particular passage of scripture comes right after Paul has said he was given a thorn in his flesh to torment him, a messenger of Satan, and that he had begged three times to have God take it away. Many commentators believe the "thorn" was epilepsy. Whatever it was, God's answer to him was "My grace is sufficient for you."
I have begged many, many times for Spencer's epilepsy to be taken away. For whatever reason, God has not chosen to do that. I'm not sure what His purposes are, but I know He is good and He only has good planned for Spencer. He uses everything, even things that might be meant to bring us harm for His good. His grace is sufficient for us so we will boast in our weakness to bring Him glory.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Wyatt for President
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Then Sings My Soul Saturday - Chris Tomlin

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Brotherly Love and other conversations with Mary Lyndsey
Mary Lyndsey is quite the talker. I wish I could record all my conversations with her because it would make for hours of entertainment when she gets older. But I never know when the next gem will come, so often I don't have a recorder ready. I guess the next best thing to remember them is to record them here.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Faith Lifts - Leave It

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Then Sings My Soul Saturday - Natalie Grant
One of my favorite artists is Natalie Grant. I love almost everything she has ever done. This week, I'm posting several of her songs to get you excited about my upcoming give away. Her CD Awaken will be one of the CD's I will be giving away on September 13. I will post the details about my contest next Saturday. I want to let your anticipation build. But... I will tell you that for the next four Saturdays I will be highlighting artists that I love and at the end of that four weeks, I will give away a CD from each one of them. So without further delay... enjoy some Natalie Grant.
Live for Today by Natalie Grant
What are you waiting for by Natalie Grant
Held by Natalie Grant
Friday, August 15, 2008
I can't believe I have a Third Grader!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Bloggy Break/Upcoming Prizes
Friday, August 8, 2008
Then Sings My Soul Saturday - Downhere

Thanks for the prayers
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Guest Blogger: Amy's Husband, Spencer and Mary Lyndsey's Father
3:48 pm - Amy: "On the Beach - Aahhh"
4:38 pm - Greg: "Love you all, on my way home"
8:25 pm - Amy: "Call me 911"
"Still Seizing"
"Giving More Valium in Ambulance"
8:47 pm - Greg: "I have been praying. What is going on now?"
Amy: "It's backed off some we are almost to the Hospital"
Greg: "Is he responsive at all?"
Amy: "No eyes are open but won't respond"
Greg: "Can he grip and release your hand?"
9:00 pm - Amy: "No we're at the hospital. He's totally non-responsive
they gave 5 more Valium in the ambulance."
9:15 pm - Greg: "Anything new."
"Can u update me me every 15 mintues."
Amy: "Dr is here now will let you know soon."
"Signal is coming and going. Still nonresponsive."
"Dr. left without saying anything. Not a good hospital."
Greg: "Can u call dr. Philbrook?"
Amy: "I'll let you know if anythiung changes still
nonresponsive but starting to to try to focus
his eyes can't squeeze, pupils not dilated anymore."
Still very drugged we are in the hall, no rooms."
9:30 pm - Amy: "No signal"
"He's a little more awake, very post dictal.
Greg: "What does no signal mean."
9:45 pm - Greg: "Is he getting stronger"
Amy: "My phone signal is coming and going.
He just thew up and almost choked. They suctioned him
and finally moved us to an ER room. He's still not responsive.
11:12 pm - Greg: "Anything new?"
Amy: "Still not resting well but a little better than b4 still
moaning and trying to get comfortable."
Greg: "I love you and continue to pray"
Amy: "Just turned on his side and got in the poisiton he in. We
don't even have chairs to sit in so we've been standing for
3 hours. I love u and will call or text if anything changes.
11:32 pm - Greg: "My battery is dying. Call home number when you want to update."
"Just saw your email."
Amy: "My battery is dying too so I'll stay off the phone. He's sleeping
better now keeps trying to pull out the IV and will call you later.
I love you."
Greg: "Love you"
August 7
2:44 am - Amy: "He just roused a little and said Hey"
3:14 am - Amy: "He's hit a temp of 101.9
6:33 am - Amy: "On the way back to hotel."
I am often asked by those that are aware that my son has Epilepsy the following question, "How can you and Amy hold it together when Spencer is having a seizure?" or "What do you do when you are not with your family and Spencer has a seizure?"
First, I begin to pray to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I lift Spencer up, I lift Amy up, and I pray for those attending to them to have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. The important thing is for me to have faith and not fear that God is in control and that his promises in the Bible apply in a very personal way to my family even when I am not with them. I pray for God's perfect will to be served because I know that this is the best way to pray for the best possible outcome.
Next, I remember that I am married to a strong, faith filled, God Fearing, woman and mother that is prepared to fight and protect her children. I remember that she is smarter and wiser than I am and will use her own faith and unity with the word of God to make sure that Spencer is well cared for by his nurses and physicians.
I believe that Spencer and Amy are amazing. I believe that they grow stronger with each challenge and obstacle Spencer faces. The testimony they are building and the faith they both demonstrate each time they walk out of an Emergency Room less than 12 hours after riding into the ER is astounding. They are warriors - Warriors for God. I applaud them and stand in awe as I see the way God works in their lives and builds their faith and makes them stronger.
It is not easy to be 6-7 hours away when they are in the ER and in the midst of another significant seizure but when you believe what I believe about my Savior Jesus Christ. I try to rest in the thought that God is in control.
Today, Amy was helping Spencer get out of the shower and she looked at him and said, I am so proud of you, how did get so strong and brave?"
His response, Mom, the secret is just 3 little things: Believe, Trust, and NEVER doubt!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Your Prayers Needed
Monday, August 4, 2008
Fait Lifts - God Cares About the Details
Ever had those days when you felt you were throwing up emergency prayers that seemed unimportant in the big scheme of things? You know the ones. "Lord, please let me find my car keys or I'm going to be late, again." "Lord, please let me find a parking place close to the door, because I have to get these children and all this stuff in that store quickly in the rain." "Lord, please let her poop in the potty this time." "Lord, please let my child sleep through the night, because I have to get some sleep." If you are a mom, I'm sure you've prayed one or more of these prayers on some occasion.
To read the rest of this devotion, click here.