Monday, March 2, 2009

Learning by "Egg"xample

5 Minutes for Faith - Daily Devotions for Moms

5 Minutes for Faith

My son is reading Charlotte's Web at school. As a class project, he brought home an egg to take care of for a week, just as Wilbur took care of Charlotte's egg. He has to write in a journal each day about the adventures he has with the egg. He had to name it. He can read to it, wash it, play with it, and decorate or dress it. He is not supposed to leave it alone. He can take it back and forth to school with him or get a baby sitter. Spencer's egg's name is Kirby. 

Today, a tragedy occurred.

To read the rest of this devotion, click here.


Beth in NC said...

What happened to Kirby? It wouldn't let me "click" a link to find out.


Jean Stockdale said...

WHat a great perspective to look at this as a teaching opportunity and not a tragedy. Love that you used Scripture to support your mothering technique. I have been teaching MOMS for 20 years now and writing BIble studies for them. This is the method I teach them-use God's Word as the basis of mothering (and life). Until your children are old enough, I rise up and call you blessed.

I am new to 5 Minutes for Faith but will check in often and share the link with my MOMS. I write a blog to encourage mommas in the art of Christian mothering. Check in with me when you have a moment. Blessings.