had an hour and a half status seizure and we had to go to the emergency room. We spent most of the night there till 4am and finally got home around 5am. He slept most of the day on Wednesday. We are still trying to play catch up on everything.
I have to say I've had a difficult week. I'm just plain mad. Not sure exactly who I'm mad at- I just feel like I've been punched in the stomach and I want to punch back. I've tried to pray through it but I'm tired. I keep telling myself God has a plan and He is in control. I just have to keep saying I believe until I do again.
I hope you have a blessed weekend.
So sorry to hear about your rough week. Hang in there!
Amy...seems a few of us have had that kind of week...did you pop over to read Melissa's post on the LPM blog...if not...do..pray it ministers to you..pray that God's grace falls ever so gently on you this week..
Love, Sita
"I just hae to keep saying I believe until I do again" Amen. Thak you so much for saying that! I needed that reminder. I too have had a difficult week physicaly.
sometimes it is hard to keep beliving when life throws so much pain my way. My prayers are with you.
Many Blessings,
Melissa Melvin
Praying the Lord fills you up this weekend with Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Understanding,
Have a blessed and restful weekend.
Praying for you and your family here my love.
Sorry to hear you had a rough week. Sending prayers your way! God bless!
I thought of that man in the bible when he was talking to Jesus.."Lord, I believe, help me in my unbelief". ((((((((hugs)))) Beloved one, you HAVE been fighting, hand to hand combat (sure feels like it doesn't it?)...The enemy comes try to steal, kill and destroy, but we KNOW Christ has come not ONLY to give us life, but an ABUNDANT life...Your still praising Him, even though your hurting, your angry and your frustrated and maybe screaming from within (I"ve been known to do it literally outloud,blush)God, help my son, save him from this, one touch from You can do it ALL.. Please know I'm praying for your family...'I will contend with those that contend with you (even sickness and disease) and your children I will save'. Isaiah 49:25b....Keep on keeping on beloved sister...Sorry for such a long ramble...
Oh Amy. I am so sorry. I can't imagine how terrifying that is and disappointing because he has gone so long without one.
I would be angry too. I hate that we live in a fallen world and that children get picked on. Satan does NOT play fair. Even more reason to despise him and do the opposite of what he would want.
God bless you and your family today.
So sorry about your little guy! I say feel free to punch, God can take it! Then crawl up in his arms and just let him hold you! I hope that doesn't sound pat, I sure don't mean it to be! Our children are so precious and when they suffer we suffer double!!!
I'm sorry you've had such a difficult week. I'll pray for you. May God encourage your heart and strengthen you all over!
Blessings to your family-
Hey Amy,
really appreciate the most and opportunity to be a part of this weekly event. Praying for Spencer and your family...
It is so hard to trust when things are going wrong or someone you love is sick but praise God when we are able to believe Him no matter what is going on in our lives. Praying for you and your family.
So sorry that you had a rough week. I love this song by Jeremy Camp.
Praying for you! Great song choice!
I am so sorry to hear that you had a rough week but I really hate to hear that Spencer had another seizure after 8 weeks of seizure free.
I haven't dealt with a sick child before but I have had other issues in our lives that I can relate to the feelings that you are battling. It is another attack of the enemy to discourage you and get your focus off of Jesus Christ.
Hang in there...God is still right there with you and He is still in control even if we don't have any idea what He plan is. May He saturate you today with His grace, mercy and peace.
Beautiful song! Happy TSMSS!
I used this song for TSMSS on the Feb 28 one...It is a wonderful song. I hope you have a better week. I am praying for Spencer. and for the rest of your family.
God will never leave us - isn't that a wonderful promise!
I'm so sorry your son continues to have these siezures. We continue to pray for your precious boy and you and our family! We love you dear friend...
I am so sorry your week has gone the the way it has but your song choice shows a strong spirit. I pray that "shower of grace" will soak you and your family and bring peace and comfort this weekend.
So sorry you had a rough week. I know exactly how you feel. I posted several days ago about chanting "I believe" even when I didn't.
I love Jeremy Camp, especially since about 8 years ago he met with my daughter after a concert and shared scripture with her about loss. But I've shared a bit of the song that I linked to again on my site for this week. It has truly spoken to me this week.
"Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace
It's hard to surrender to what I can't see
but I'm giving in to something Heavenly"
You are being lifted up right this moment to our Lord for peace and comfort to cover you like His wings.
Dear Amy,
Bless your heart, I am so sorry about the other night. Praying for your sweet Spencer ~ for God to touch him with His healing hand ~
I put Jeremy Camp up for today too. Different song.
I'm sorry both your son and your family have had to deal with this.
Its okay to be mad, and ask why?!
Believing and keeping the faith girl, I'm proud of you.
I'm sorry both your son and your family have had to deal with this.
Its okay to be mad, and ask why?!
Believing and keeping the faith girl, I'm proud of you.
Oh Amy I am so sorry you had such a rough week. What a beutiful song to choose to illustrate your feelings. I don't know exactly how you feel but I can only imagine. I do know about frustration and anger though and we I do know that you are right we still just have to trust and believe. I have had a rough week and was feeling sorry for myself now I feel so bad. I have not been able to get on youtube today so haven't been able to post. In case I don't get to know that I am praying God's grace and love on you this week.
What a great song. Sorry to hear about your week, but don't stop believing!
Peace to you and yours,
I love that song! I'm sorry to hear you guys have had such a difficult week. I pray this one will be much better!
You and your family will be in my prayers. GOD allows trials.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Our FATHER said HE is the "Great I Am." I am not I was nor I will. I am. HE is the same yesterday, today and forever. GOD is our Great Healer. I understand your worry about your son. Spencer is in GOD's Beautiful Hands.
I certainly love this song! One of my favorites. I sing this when I'm down.
I will pray for your family.
Amy, I'm really sorry to hear about this! I just read "The Shack"...I'm sure you've read it, but there is so much in there that will make you believe in spite of the challenging week you had.
Take care, girl :-)
So sorry that your week has been the pits. I TOTALLY get the anger thing. As a matter of fact, that is the one way I deal with just about anything. I can get so mad sometimes, and not even know why.
Hang in there. The Lord is birthing something big in you my gifted friend. These are just the birthing pains before the blessing.
Hang in there. And if you feel like telling someone off, I am always here. Email me anytime!
My post is really late but I wrote it today and put it up. I love Then Sings my Soul even if it is on Monday instead of Saturday.
Have a Blessed week.
May the GOD of all comfort fill your heart with songs! Sorry to know you've had a hard week.
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