I'm finally home for a few short days before heading off to dog camp next week. Spencer is so excited to finally be getting his new best friend. I am excited too, especially because our seizure activity seems to be extremely high right now. I'm not sure what's going on but we've had more seizures in the past month than in the previous 6 months combined. We had to call EMS for a status seizure yesterday for the third time in three weeks. It was his fourth seizure just this week. It's very discouraging. But I know even in the midst of it... God is still in control.
I was very depressed yesterday after Spencer's seizure. I was driving home, feeling down when this song came on the radio. Instantly my spirit was lifted. The words and the beat totally got me excited about how good God is... all the time. Even when the things going on in my life are getting me down.
I especially like the part when Kirk Franklin talks... "You can't take my joy devil!" and "No weapon formed against me shall prosper...I'm more than a conqueror." Made me feel like having some church! I was having a Holy Ghost party right by myself in my car driving down the road. I know people in the cars next to me thought I was crazy.
Kirk says "It gets me high, up to the sky" and like Beth Moore says "Ain't no high like the Most High!" It was great. By the time the song was over, I wasn't focused on feeling sorry for myself or Spencer. I was focused on "the goodness and fullness of God." This is a song that really made my soul sing this week.
Can't wait to hear about your songs! BTW... GP are you with me?
I'm so sorry you had a rough few days. My prayers are with your family.
I was doing the same thing driving home from work today. I put my Nicole C. Mullen's CD in and staring have a "Holy Spirit" party in my car too.
I think I have a Kirk Franklin CD, I'll have to see if this song is on it. Thanks for doing this for everyone.
Hey Amy,
Oh, what a great song!! If that doesn't put you in a great mood, nothing will!
I'm so blessed the Lord had that song come on for you when you were discouraged.
I'll keep your son in my prayers. We had some BT issues this week with Jordan. Sometimes I try and forget we are still in a battle and then something happens and I'm reminded how easily things can turn around.
Praise God He is truly IN CONTROL!!
Have a blessed weekend♥
Amy, I love this song, "GP are ya with me!" I'm singing just like Kirk now, for sure (in my own mind, anyway). I'll be praying for Spencer and his seizure activity. I can imagine that it was discouraging, but you just stomped out that devil's by posting such an uplifting song :-)
What DO people do without the Lord?!
I'm so sorry things are so rocky right now. I pray the seizures abate soon!
Prayers coming your way!!
What a wonderful TSMSS song, thanks for sharing it with us. Kirk Franklin puts me right into the worship attitude. I pray you will have a better week!
I just love this Meme! Thanks for your post
Happy Saturday to You Amy!!! Happy week coming for Spencer and Dog Camp...praying for the best! So sorry to hear about the increased
seizures...but it can only get better! You know that the enemy knows where to grip your heart cuz you've been busy with SheSpeaks & Deeper Still...he's alittle worried that you are going to get too powerful as the Advocate for Epilepsy...so it's GREAT that you are STOMPING and taking it back!!!
Love your stand! with Kirk Franklin
...you know the TRUTH...Hold on to it! Praise Godor how music can speak deep into us!!! Well, you already commented on mine from Carman but I'd love you to hear the song...I'm STOMPNG with YA'!
Keeping you all in prayer! Blessings and be blessed as you keep on keepin'it on TSMSS!Thanks!
Notice that I did not mess it up with my long blog title! Enjoy your week of camp-try to get photos
I'm so sorry Spencer is having the seizures. My prayers are with Spencer and your family during this most stressful time.
I'm so happy you heard this song just when you needed it.
And, so glad you had a good 4th. Spencer and Mary Lyndsey are absolutely adorable.
It's quite incredible isn't it, how much a song can change your mood! I really do like upbeat and bright songs but I forget how much a good song can change me so when I am feeling down I dont put the music on and I should!
I don't know your or your family or your history so feel that I can't really comment, but I hope that Spencer is doing ok and that the dog wont disrupt your home too much!!! (put all those favourite shoes away!!)
How hard that must be! Praying for your little man and his mama and daddy! Isn't God amazing in the ways he shows you "I AM"
Oh and that song was awesome!
That is an awesome song!
Praying for you and Spencer!!
Amy, my neck is doing that bopping thing...love it...and we do need to take that aggressive stance..we are in a battle...it's also comforting to know that it is His battle, in His strength...may His strength be yours...
Love, Sita
This is my first Sings my Soul
Love me some Kirk Franklin! We have EVERY CD he's made. They all speak to you in a different way, for different situations!
Great choice!
What a great song! Thanks for sharing!
Blessings to you!
"Oh yea, we're havin church ain't goin nowhere!" This song lifted my spirits this morning. Thanks! "I got the victory."
Sorry to hear Spencer's having so many seizures. Glad he's getting his new best friend next week. I'll keep y'all in my prayers.
Can't wait to hear more songs. Blessings!
Whoohoo! First time on TSMS! Amy- I love STOMP! So good.
What a great song. You're little one is in my prayers.
I'm so excited to join SMSS! This is my first post!
My prayers are with you and your family!
First time participant in SMS. Thanks.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE LOVE this song...you can NOt be down in the dumps when it is on, it turns the day right around.
I am so sorry to hear that Spencer is having so many seizures...when Nick had his seizure it lasted about 40 minutes and if I never see that again in my life it will be too soon. My heart breaks for you guys having to go through that, and although I can do nothing to fix it I will offer to bathe your family in my prayers this whole next week.
Be blessed,
LOVE THIS!!!! And you're right, it changes your attitude pretty quick!! I think sometimes I just need to quit my complaining and start praising! Thank you for a holy kick in the behind. :)
One of my neighbors and I were talking about you all this week while we sat around the pool. I'll tell you about it sometime. :)
I'm praying for you all as you go meet your new family member! You know, I think it's pretty cool that God has orchestrated you receiving the dog at this time when Spencer's seizures seem to be more frequent. The girls and I are praying about that....
BTW-you are an awesome mom...hang in there.
This is a favorite in our house! My baby was just bobbing her head down the hallway as I was playing it. Thanks for sharing the video.
I'm praying for Spencer, and for you. I can imagine how this song lifted your spirits. Wonderful song. Such an attitude of praise and worship! Happy TSMS Saturday, and thanks for hosting this wonderful meme.
Will keep your family in my prayers. Thank you for hosting this every week. It's such a blessing to see what everyone shares each week.
Sorry to hear about Spencer, I will pray the seizures stop. My older son has tourette's and we finally found out what sets his off. Orange dye, mentos, and spring. I know this sounds weird, but maybe it is something you can trace to the environment or food. I never noticed my sons sever increase was related to anything until one day I was saying to him that he is definitely ticking worse then normal and my daughter said he must be eating Cheetos. I said what does Cheetos have to do with this and she said well he always tics a lot after Cheetos. I asked her how long she knew this and she said a long time but she thought I knew. We then tested this theory and sure enough it was Cheetos and other orange things, also we always notice Mentos set him off and Springtime comes and it gets worse. Hopefully it is something that you stumble across soon, if in fact it increases from environment or something like that. You never know.
Great song and video by the way. You're right very upbeat.
Praying for the seizures to stop and that you're always open minded to whatever may come to help stop the seizures. I can't imagine how difficult this is for you and your family. Just know you are always in my prayers.
hope this gets it right...
: )
Our family loves that song!!
my first time @ your site...I'll be praying for your little Spencer....
Shalom Rav! (Abundant SHALOM - nothing broken, nothing missing)
Amen!!! I have been reminding myself all week of that same thing - the devil can't take my joy UNLESS I choose to give it to him.
Take care and have fun learning at doggie camp!
I needed this!! I LOVE that song! I have been downtrodden since finding out a former student at my school had been killed in a senseless motorcycle accident. J's only mistake was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. God is good, all the time! My prayers are with your family!
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