It's been a crazy week once again. I can't believe the summer is over and we start school on Monday. I'm really ready to get back into a regular routine, even though I will miss traveling and sleeping late when we are home. I hope to get back into the regular blogging routine now that our schedule will slow down a bit. I've been missing all my blogosphere buddies.
Not a whole lot to share about this week's song, other than the admission that I'm trying really hard to let go of my perfectionism. And I am amazed every day by my perfect God.
This is a great song by Natalie Grant.
Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
The is such a great song! One of my favorites!
Great message in that song! Thank you for your blog and for uplifting our miracle-working God!
Summer has gone by quickly! Great song! Have a good week!
Love that song!
Blessings Amy,
Love Natalie Grant! And I didn't know that you were a redeemed perfectionist nor did I ever hear this song from Natalie! Thanks for sharing both!
EnJOY TSMSS & your last big weekend...may it be fantastic & wonder filled like you!
Looking forward to seeing you return to a regular routine. Is there such a thing?
I love this song, too.
Especially these lines:
"So come as you are, broken and scarred
Lift up your heart and be amazed
And be changed by a perfect God"
I'm glad that HE is perfect so we don't have to be.
Great song...love the message....
Amy, I really appreciate your hosting TSMSS. I always look forward to visiting other blogs to see what song they've posted. It gives me an opportunity to sing along with some favorite songs and to also learn a few new ones.
Remember always to yield every day to the Lord and He will work in and through you. Then what comes out is His best in you. Amazing that He actually choses to use us, isn't it?
I have missed everyone in blog world...trying to get back into the swing of things now that school is back in. Great song! Thanks for hosting each week!
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