It's been a rough few weeks around our house. I appreciate all of your prayers and your emails of encouragement. Spencer is still in the hospital. We are hoping he will be released tomorrow.
The doctors still aren't sure exacty what the problem was or is. They think it might be paralytic ileus from his gastrointeritis or stomach bug he had. He was much better today after receiving his meds through IV and fluids for 24 hours. He kept down all his meds and food today!! No seizures either. Keep praying though. We went back to meds by mouth tonight so we will see if he tolerates them.
Enough yucky stuff. Let's get on to something fun.
I'm highlighting a very talented singer this week who happens to be one of my very best friends.
I know you would love her if you met her and I'm sure you will love her voice and her music.
She has just completed her CD project entitled "For Such A Time As This."
I hope you enjoy these two songs this week by Janet Roller.
Create in Me A Clean Heart
The World Will Never Be The Same
Check her out at Living Oak Ministries.
I'm giving away a copy of her CD this week also. Once again, to be eligible to win, you just have to link up to Mr. Linky with a TSMS post. If you don't win and just love her music, you can purchase her CD on her website.
I hope you have a blessed week! I'll announce the winner on Monday. ( I hope :-)
Blessings Amy...Thanks for the update on Spencer! Thanks for the preview of Janet! I've been to her
blog & heard her samples but this was nice!
My TSMSS is at the bottom of this post! It's the last one or both if you really want to be touched by God's heart and love for us * the gifts we can bring to Him this CHRISTmas and daily!
Hi Amy,
I have been praying for you and your family. I know you will be glad to get Spencer back home.
What a great video you shared and look at you ... doing another giveaway! Way to go!
Blessings, Laurie
Oh Amy, I'm so sorry you've had such a rough week. Praying Spencer will soon be better!
Hey Amy,
I'm back! So out of touch with everyone. I see you guys have been having some rough times. I'm still praying!
I'm so sorry to hear about Spencer. I will keep your family in my prayers.
Hugs to you!
I forgot to mention something about Janet Roller...loved the first video...what a beautiful voice she has!
Blessings to you both!
Oh, I love both videos. She is very talented. I'll definitely be getting one of her CDs, if not through the giveaway, then through her website. Thanks so much for introduing us to her.
Still praying for Spencer, and you. You must be one tired Momma! I pray it's not paralytic ileus and that he's on the mend soon. I'm so glad he's doing better.
Beautiful songs... Thank you for sharing... We continue to pray for Spenser. God bless you and your family.
Continuing to pray you Amy and believing God to intervene on your behalf.
Beautiful songs! Thanks for sharing! I will have to go check her out.
I am glad Spencer is doing better. I hope you guys get to go home soon. I will be praying for you!
It amazes me that even with all the circumstances that you have to deal with, you always find time to bring us together. Thanks you. My prayers are with your family.
Double blessings with the two songs....thank you!
Hope that Spencer is on the up and up. You are all in my prayers. Great songs. Cool that she is your friend!
Praying that he gets better soon
I am sorry to hear about Spencer and will be praying. I have been behind in reading blgos lately. We are still having problems with our daughter.
I love the songs by Janet Roller. She has a beautiful voice.
Thanks for taking the time to share with so much going on.
I'm sorry your little Spencer has been so sick, Amy. Praying he will be better soon ~ Praying for God's healing touch !
Janet has a pretty voice and I really liked the first video.
Oh wow! My first time to join this and I get the chance to win an album from a great singer with awesome songs for the LORD! You and your family will be in my prayers.
I posted a TSMS first before I read your post and really was a blessing to see that there's a giveaway. Anyway, GOD IS SO GOOD! Healing upon Spencer. In Jesus Christ's name!
awesome videos!
Wow what a voice.
I'm glad to hear Spencer is home and I continue to pray for his health to be restored.
Nice to meet you, Amy. This is my first time participating. What a beautiful blog {both message and design} you have.
Merry Christmas and blessings on your family.
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