Friday, April 15, 2011

Then Sings My Soul Saturday

Hi Friends,
I'm so sorry I missed posting last week. We had a death in my family (my aunt) and I just didn't get to it, then the week got away from me. I hope you have a had a wonderful two weeks. Life is super busy as usual here in the Wyatt House. The end of school brings all sorts of activities and with softball, Girl Scouts and other events, we seem just get busier. In our busyness, I don't want to forget about spending time with the One who makes everything we have possible.
Hope you remember to do this too. Let's pray for each other to stay connected with HIM!
Sweet Blessings,


Jocelyn said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt's passing - may the good Lord bring peace and comfort to your heart.

Beautiful song!

Michelle said...

Hi Amy!

I'm totally sorry about your loss.
We missed you last week.
May God bless you abundantly this week!

Debbie Petras said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your aunt. And thank you for being so faithful in hosting Then Sings My Soul Saturday. It has been a blessing for me.

Blessings and love,

Shanda said...

Hi Amy,
I linked a song and am enjoying listening to the others on this beautiful Saturday morning in Southern California

Shanda said...

sorry, the link wasn't working...have to redo it and post again. can you removed my previous? thanks

Sara G said...

Sending hugs! Hope this week is a better one for you. Trusting in Him to be your comforter and guide you. God bless!

Mrs.B said...

thank you for continuing to host this

Rebecca said...


I sorry to hear of the loss of your aunt. I'll be praying for your family.


Miranda said...

Thanks for this link up. I don't know if you wanted people to write brand new posts for this but I shared a not brand new post that was on my heart and has a GREAT song in it. Christian music can make such a difference. So many times a song has guided me, spoke to me, pulled me out of a pit. Thank you again!
-Miranda (oneprayingmommy)

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to listen about your aunt death and want to say you welcome back we were missing you.Thank you for sharing with us.

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