Wow! I heard this one recently and thought it was so powerful! Hope it speaks to your heart as well! Have a blessed and safe Halloween weekend!
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Lately my mind and my “to do list” have been focused on clean, clean, clean. You see, my house could use a good cleaning from top to bottom. Especially before we drag out all of the Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations and bring in a whole new lot of toys, games and clothes. Since both kids have birthdays near the end of the year and Christmas presents will be coming in soon, it can get to be a bit overwhelming. That’s why it especially struck me when twice this week, once in chapel at school with my kids and then at church, I heard the story of the leper Christ healed. (I have come to realize when I hear something over and over, it is often God trying to get my attention.)
Why did this story jump out at me and what does it have to do with a clean house you ask?